This Spring, AIER east have something extraordinary planned – they have invited international and local talented dancers for a special performance. There will be a Zumba session to get everyone involved, and a flash mob style hip hop performance sure to get everyone’s feet tapping and blood pumping. AIER East’s experts in refractive myopic surgery will also be on hand to explain how through having this surgery, you too can have an active life full of rhythm, free from glasses once and for all.

来自JUST DANCE STUDIO的外国舞者会以热情奔放的桑巴舞开场,邀请所有来宾随着欢快的乐曲舞出孩童的天真。
The talented international dancers from JUST DANCE STUDIO will invite guests to join an energetic Zumba session, with upbeat samba beats that adults will enjoy with childlike abandon.

The notorious BGT boys will then show off some of their moves.

There’s no cold atmosphere or blinding bright lights at Aier East Eye Hospital. There’s no overwhelming smell of disinfectant. Instead, it’s fresh and warm. Spacious, clean and the staff are inviting. Patients walk the corridors here smiling because they are comfortable and confident – set at ease by the welcoming environment and the fact they will soon be free of visual impairments.

Alongside the dance performances, there will be more surprises – including refractive surgery discounts. Don’t miss out on April 28th!
报名电话:028-68100800 028-68100811
Hotline: 028-68100800 028-68100811
Time: April 28th, 9:00am-11:00am
Venue: Chengdu Aier East Eye Hospital----No. 388, Shuanglin Road, Chenghua District